James Wong is a renowned Yoga Anatomy Teacher in Asia; 200 Hours TTC Yoga Alliance Trainer & a ERYT 500 Hours Certified Yoga Alliance Teacher; & a Certified Remedial Therapist in Fascia Trigger Point from Australia, Certified in Biomechanics and Manual Therapy and a Yoga Anatomist columnist for Yoga Life Asia on bi-monthly issue & IAYT Yoga Therapist.
He will be sharing a comprehensive understanding of the functionality of understanding our connective tissues in yoga movements. Much focus on Scoliosis Management; globally accepted which covers a vast study on postural misalignment to Manual Therapy to fascia studies of the body to bring a well-balanced yoga practice. Main topics discussed - Fascia and Connective tissues in Mobilization Approach to Yoga movements & Scoliosis, correction of spinal structural dysfunction through their Thoracic opening, reviving range of motion on shoulder girdle, alleviating pain from SI joint pain to lower back pain, neck pain, nerve impingement, foot & knees misalignment. In this 7-Days, details on the spine, shoulder girdle area, hips & foot will be comprehensively covered along with practical case studies on yoga asanas from basic to intermediate level. Come experience the amazing therapy on our active movement fascia release to bring more freedom in our yoga practice.
Course Details
Functional Yoga 1 Training
Date: Download poster below for schedules
Time: 8.00am to 6.00pm
Venue: Trefoil @ Setia City
Functional Yoga 2 Training
Date: Download poster below for schedules
Time: 8.00am to 6.00pm
Venue: Trefoil @ Setia City