Founder - James Wong
1) Yoga Trainer affiliated with Yoga Alliance (USA) – ERYT500 Trainer
2) Stott Pilates Instructor - Injury & Special Population (Rehabilitation)
3) Yoga Anatomy Teacher trainer
4) Certified Spinal Manual Therapist (Perth Western Australia)- specializing on Physio-Exercises, Spine manipulation and Nerve rehabilitation
5) Myofascia Trigger Point & Advanced Movement Release Therapist @ IICT (International Institute of Complementary Therapists associate member)
6) Yoga Alliance Yin Yoga Trainer
Other Certifications
1) Les Mills certified Body Balance
2) Les Mills Certified Body Pump
3) Les Mills Certified CXWORX
James Wong usually begins classes, trainings or workshops with his Om Namah Shivaya Gurave invocation, which melodically touches his student’s heart to open into their practice and space. He has always placed this mantra singing close to his heart where the chant unleashes the secrets of the mantra that has become known for freedom and awakening.
This mantra has its roots deep in the soil of ancient tradition. The chant itself is very old, and carries with it a resonance of powerful wisdom and transformation. The joy of honoring what has comes before, it also opens up to the unlimited possibilities of evolution. The strengths of innovative spirit. Creative expression and beauty are a part of every practice, on and off the mat.
James normally offers his classes with specific theme from the understanding of the 8-limbs of yoga starting with Yama (The Don’ts) and Niyama (The Dos). The music and chanting captivated him when he took his first Annusara Yoga Class in Melbourne 12 years ago. He believes that music has great power to influence positive change in people.
The 37-year-old yoga trainer seems both exuberant and wise. He believes that within each student lies a vast wellspring of love and potential—and it’s his job as a teacher to draw that out. His classes blend rigorous poses and soothing alignment adjustments understanding anatomical aspect with bursts of yoga philosophy
Here is a little bit of background behind his success today…
Every success story always comes with the backstage story behind. Not any different for our James Wong.
Penang boy born, James Wong was raised in New Zealand since at the age of 10 years old and only at the age of 23, he came back to Malaysia.
James passion of sharing his knowledge today came from his ups and downs in his life which started from his teenage life as a contemporary dancer and stage drama in New Zealand and shares his past experiences to inspire the light in others. Although he has stopped dancing and stage drama for so many years due to his injuries in the past; his gracefulness from his dance background shows it in his yoga poses. He started his first yoga class with an Ivenger teacher & Hatha Yoga at Victoria Street in Melbourne at the early age of 18 years old during his University life. Even though he has been practicing yoga for years, interest in yoga didn’t much appeal to him back then; due to his injuries on his back and shoulders from his dance, he was constrained to doing too many poses. He was seeking more of the therapy aspect of yoga. He has sorted to so many types of remedies; you can name it all! Years after later, he started exploring himself into Asthanga practices & Yin Yoga for a couple of years. You can basically say James is an explorer during his 20s; he has explored many range of New Age Healing modality such as Emotional Finger Taping, Sound healing where he followed a few great teachers which guided his spiritual path. He took up his very first teachers certification; a Les Mills program Body Balance & Body Pump and CX Worx which started his interest into teaching group exercises (Les Mills programs were one of his earliest foundation for him in his sharp coaching cues as a teacher), and then on the following year he got himself certified as a Stott Pilates teacher which he had a good mentor & trainer whom has always been very encouraging and an inspirational. Due to his previous corporate work schedule, he had the luxury of travelling around the world to practice with a couple of great yoga teachers and took short courses with them. Along his years of yoga practices, he has been teaching yoga part-time while juggling between his busy schedule as an Asia Pacific Sales and Marketing Manager for a multinational firm. It was only very much later he decided to take up his 200 Hours Yoga Alliance Teachers Training with Fitness First, Malaysia trained with the discipline of Anusara teaching.
From 2009 onwards, James resigned from his old career as an Asia Pacific Sales and Marketing Manager and decided to become a full yogi. Devoted himself fully into the fitness industry, he then started building up his yoga career, compiling all his experiences and studies in Anatomy and started conducting workshops.
Known as Asia’s top Postural Guru or the Anatomy Man; James research on the human biomechanics & researches on Scoliosis children and adults has been a biggest part of his life. He applies the functionality of the body anatomy into developing a yoga pose in a safe and effective way for people whom has past or current injuries; especially those with scoliosis. He always emphasize Ahimsa in class that it is not about forcing ourselves into a pose but it is the joy and journey of understanding our human body and limitations and how we work towards minimizing the limitation in our body without injuries. Some of us maybe born flexible but lack of control and some needs to work their way into flexibility. All requires time to cultivate, both strength in the mind, wisdom and physique in doing a yoga pose. Studying a yoga pose and analyzing it is one teaching he always emphasize.
His yoga trainings and teachings in yogas emphasizes a lot of breaths and inner core muscles engagements (bandhas) which will allow us to experience a yoga pose in a much lighter and tension free on other muscle groups. He is a ERYT500 Certified US Yoga Alliance teacher & trainer. James is fun loving, gentle but can also be dynamic in his yoga classes; accompanied with his creative sequencing and good coaching skills. His classes emphasizes a lot of foundational and functional anatomy aspects of yoga which he adopts his teachings from various yoga backgrounds.
He has been running his own Yoga & Pilates School (JW Wellness Yoga & Pilates School @ Affiliated with US Yoga Alliance) for almost 7 years now, where he conducts Yoga Alliance Teachers Training & Pilates Teachers Training across the country and neighboring countries such as Indonesia, Vietnam and Thailand. He also conducts Yoga Anatomy workshops and Postural Analysis courses across the country and neighbouring countries as well. His 200 Hours Yoga Teachers Training combines learning aspects from emotional to physical to spirituality where he brings in the Internal Alignment of the human soul into their yoga practice and how each and every individual one of us are designed differently for a different purpose in this life. His years of learning and adopting into his own signature in his school. From 2019 onwards, he will be running 300 Hours Yoga Teachers Training - 100 Hours Yin Yoga Fascia Training, 100 Hours Scoliosis Yoga Management Training and 100 Hours Advanced Vinyasa Yoga Training.
James never stops learning; because we continue to learn till the day we find Samadhi. In recent years, he has also gotten himself Certified in Spinal Manual Therapist studied under Dr. Toby Hall and Kim Robinson from Perth & also A certified Massage Therapist completing his certification in Perth,Australia & specializing in Myofascia Trigger Point Movement Release Therapy affiliated with IICT.
His techniques of teaching combines Manual Therapy into his yoga methodology which massively covers on the importance of spinal mobility (his signature Spinal Roll™, correct movements of the joints along with the essences of Dynamic Neuroscience of the body and how the motor control functions of the spine allows the scapula to mobilize and hips mobilization.
For the past years, he have been watching the worldwide birth, growth and sequential rapid spread of yoga in the air with fascination – how all these started from the Western influence. His work has outgrown to attracting students from all over the world to come join his courses in Malaysia. His stories has inspired many students across the globe and he intently teaches the correct Internal Alignment of the soul and yoga in us and Not about chasing after a yoga pose which most are drown into. Yoga is in us and is a teaching that is more than an asana; it explains our deepest content and emotions where maybe some of us could be lacking of in some areas. Yoga helps fill that up. James wishes to guide the light to his disciples to light to correct internal alignment.
As an international marked level recognized by Yoga Alliance from USA- all his teaching methodology are approved by Yoga Alliance not to mention his 200 Hours & 300 Hours Yoga Teachers Training and his school is a YACEP(continue education provider syllabus). He conducts Anatomy and Postural Analysis workshops to yoga and pilates teachers for their upgrade learning.
James’ passion and teaching methodology continues to inspire many out there and his work has been highly regarded by Doctors, Chiropractors and Physiotherapist as well. His work has been highly regarded in India where he has combined his methodology of yoga and pilates to Dr.Ravin’s medical research team.
Success did not just come overnight for James, but through his hardship as a teenager from his dance background till studying ways to heal his physical body through different types of modality; burning the midnight oil to write his articles and books for teachers training, travelling around the globe to conduct workshops and trainings. Namaste.
Kindly email him at for more information on his courses. Or whatsapp him at +60124211979